KINSHOFER pro nature
In times of climate change, global warming and reams of litter in our oceans we have set ourselves to contribute to the protection of our environment.
We have an energy management certification according to DIN ISO 50001 and were already able to reduce our power consumption by 111.000 kWh per year. This corresponds to the annual consumption of about 22 German households!
Of course, we will not stop here! We are currently working on further saving opportunities, because especially companies have huge potential savings if you just take a closer look.
One year ago, we have already started to change our packing materials. “No plastics” is the name of the game!
We are relying on alternative bio-degradable materials and are turning our back on plastics based on oil, that are responsible for the microplastics to be found not only in our oceans, but increasingly also in our local waters.
Unfortunately, there are currently only few manufacturers that produce 100% compostable plastic materials guaranteeing a safe packing. In collaboration with BASF we have managed to find adequate manufacturers and were thus able to test and use different materials.
We are looking forward to supporting our customers and suppliers if they are also interested in a changeover and will share our experiences with them.
One first step in this direction is a network we are currently setting up with other companies. It will serve as a forum for the mutual provision of information, advice, help and potential improvement in order to protect our environment more efficiently.
It might sound corny, but: our environment concerns us all! Today and in the future!